December 9, 2024

Maltego OpenCorporates Transform


  1. Maltego XL (Commercial Edition): You must have a licensed version of Maltego XL (Commercial Edition) to use the OpenCorporates Transform. If you don’t have it, you can obtain Maltego XL from the official website: Maltego Official Website.
  2. Access to OpenCorporates Transform: The OpenCorporates Transform is available through the Transform Hub. You can obtain access to the OpenCorporates Transform from within Maltego’s Transform Hub. Ensure you have access to the Transform Hub and an active internet connection.

Step 1: Install Maltego XL

If you don’t have Maltego XL installed, you need to download and install it from the official website. Ensure that you have a valid license for the commercial version of Maltego XL.

Step 2: Access the Transform Hub

  • Open Maltego XL.
  • Go to the “Transforms” tab.
  • Click on “Transform Hub” to access the Transform Hub.

Step 3: Search for OpenCorporates Transform

  • In the Transform Hub, use the search function to look for the OpenCorporates Transform.
  • If available, you will find the OpenCorporates Transform in the Transform Hub.

Step 4: Install OpenCorporates Transform

  • Click on the OpenCorporates Transform to select it.
  • Select “Install” or “Add to Maltego” to add the OpenCorporates Transform to your Maltego XL installation.

Step 5: Configure the OpenCorporates Transform

  • In Maltego XL, under the “Transforms” tab, you should now see the OpenCorporates transforms that you installed.
  • Click on the OpenCorporates transforms to configure them.
  • Enter the necessary configuration settings, which will typically include your OpenCorporates API key and any other specific parameters required for your company data searches.

Step 6: Use the OpenCorporates Transform

  • Close the “Transforms” window.
  • Create a new Maltego XL graph.
  • In the “Transforms” palette on the left, you should now see the OpenCorporates transforms.
  • Drag and drop the OpenCorporates transforms into your graph.
  • Configure the transforms with the necessary parameters for your specific use case, such as company names or registration numbers.
  • Run the transforms to query OpenCorporates’ database and retrieve company data and information using OpenCorporates’ capabilities.

Step 7: Installing Custom Transforms

  • If you have custom transforms that you’d like to add to Maltego, you can do so by following these steps:
  1. Obtain the custom transform files or scripts that you want to install. These files are typically provided by the transform’s creator.
  2. Open Maltego XL.
  3. Go to the “Transforms” tab.
  4. Click on “Manage Transforms.”
  5. In the “Transform Manager” window, click on the “Import Configuration” button.
  6. Locate and select the custom transform package file you received.
  7. Click “Open” to import the custom transform configuration.
  8. Configure the custom transforms as per the instructions provided by the transform’s creator.
  9. Use the custom transforms in your Maltego investigations as needed.

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