Maltego SpyCloud Cybercrime Investigations Transform

- This Integration is only availablewith Maltego Enterprise Version
- SpyCloud API Key (You can obtain this from their website)
Step 1: Register for SpyCloud API Key
To use the SpyCloud Cybercrime Investigations Maltego transform, you’ll need an API key from SpyCloud. Visit their registration page to sign up and obtain your API key: SpyCloud
Step 2: Install Maltego
If you don’t have Maltego installed, download and install it from the official website: Maltego Official Website
Step 3: Download SpyCloud Cybercrime Investigations Maltego Transform
- Open Maltego.
- Go to the “Transform Hub” tab on the main dashboard.
- In the Transform Hub, search for “SpyCloud Cybercrime Investigations” or use the URL below: SpyCloud Transform Hub
- Click on the SpyCloud Cybercrime Investigations transform and select “Install” or “Add to Maltego.”
Step 4: Configure SpyCloud Transform
- In Maltego, click on the “Transforms” tab.
- Select “Manage Transforms.”
- Click on the “SpyCloud Cybercrime Investigations” transform you’ve installed.
- Enter your SpyCloud API Key in the configuration settings.
Step 5: Start Using SpyCloud Transform
- Close the “Manage Transforms” window.
- Create a new Maltego graph.
- In the “Transforms” palette on the left, you should now see SpyCloud Cybercrime Investigations transforms.
- Drag and drop the SpyCloud transforms into your graph.
- Configure the transforms with the necessary parameters (e.g., email addresses, domains, etc.).
- Run the transforms to gather information related to cybercrime investigations using SpyCloud’s database.
Step 6: Utilize the Data
You can now analyze, visualize, and work with the data obtained from SpyCloud within Maltego to support your cybercrime investigations or research.
Remember to refer to the official Maltego documentation for more detailed information on using transforms and working with graphs: Maltego Documentation