OSINT Tools: DorkScan

What is DorkScan?
DorkScan is a Python-based tool that automates the process of searching Google for specific search queries, known as “Google Dorks.” Google Dorks are advanced search operators that can help identify vulnerable websites, exposed databases, and sensitive information leaks. DorkScan allows security professionals, penetration testers, and ethical hackers to efficiently discover potential security issues.
DorkScan is a Python script and can be easily installed on most systems. Here’s how to set it up:
- Python: Ensure you have Python 3.x installed on your system. You can download it from the official Python website: Python Downloads.
- Git: You’ll need Git to clone the DorkScan repository. You can install Git from the official Git website: Git Downloads.
Installation Steps
- Clone the DorkScan Repository: Open a terminal window and run the following command to clone the DorkScan repository from GitHub:bash
git clone https://github.com/ethicalhackingplayground/DorkScan.git
This command will download the DorkScan source code to your system.
Navigate to the DorkScan Directory: Use the cd
command to move into the DorkScan directory:
cd DorkScan
Install Dependencies: Install the required Python dependencies using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
This command will install the necessary libraries for DorkScan.
Verify the Installation: To confirm that DorkScan is successfully installed, run the following command:
python dorkscan.py --help
You should see the help menu, indicating that DorkScan is correctly set up.
Using DorkScan
DorkScan is straightforward to use and provides options to customize your Google Dorks search. Here’s how to get started:
Basic Usage
To perform a basic Google Dorks search, run DorkScan with the desired query:
python dorkscan.py --dork "site:example.com filetype:pdf"
Replace "site:example.com filetype:pdf"
with your desired Google Dorks query. DorkScan will execute the query and display the results in your terminal.
Save Results to a File
You can save the results to a text file using the -o
or --output
python dorkscan.py --dork "site:example.com" -o output.txt
This command will create a text file (output.txt
) containing the Google Dorks search results.
Specify the Number of Results
You can limit the number of results returned by using the -l
or --limit
python dorkscan.py --dork "site:example.com" -l 10
This command will only display the first 10 results.
Specify User-Agent
You can set a custom User-Agent header for your requests using the -u
or --user-agent
python dorkscan.py --dork "site:example.com" -u "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36"
This can help avoid detection or limitations imposed by websites.
Verbose Mode
To get more detailed information about the search process, enable verbose mode using the -v
or --verbose
python dorkscan.py --dork "site:example.com" -v
Verbose mode will display additional information during the Google Dorks search.
DorkScan is a valuable tool for discovering sensitive information and potential vulnerabilities on websites using Google Dorks. Whether you’re a cybersecurity professional, penetration tester, or ethical hacker, integrating DorkScan into your toolkit can significantly enhance your reconnaissance capabilities.
Always use DorkScan responsibly and within the boundaries of applicable laws and regulations. With its simplicity and flexibility, DorkScan is a valuable addition to your cybersecurity toolbox for information gathering and reconnaissance tasks.
For more advanced features and options, you can refer to the official DorkScan GitHub repository: DorkScan GitHub Repository.