September 18, 2024

Maltego LoginsoftOSINT Transform

2 min read


  1. Maltego CE (Community Edition) or Maltego XL installed.
  2. Access to the “loginsoftOSINT” transform from the Transform Hub (if available).
  3. API key or access credentials for the “loginsoftOSINT” service.

Step 1: Install the “loginsoftOSINT” Transform

If there’s a “loginsoftOSINT” transform available in the Transform Hub, you can download and install it by following these steps:

  1. Open Maltego.
  2. Go to the “Apps” tab on the left sidebar.
  3. In the “Transform Hub” section, search for “loginsoftOSINT” or the specific transform package you’re looking for.
  4. Click on it and then click “Install.”

Step 2: Configure the “loginsoftOSINT” Transform

After installing the transform, you may need to configure it with your API key or access credentials:

  1. In Maltego, go to the “Manage” tab in the Transform Hub section.
  2. Find the “loginsoftOSINT” transform you installed and click on “Settings” or “Configure.”
  3. Enter the required configuration details, which may include your “loginsoftOSINT” API key or other authentication credentials.

Step 3: Use the “loginsoftOSINT” Transform

Once the transform is configured, you can use it to query the “loginsoftOSINT” service for information:

  1. Open Maltego.
  2. Create a new graph or open an existing one.
  3. Right-click on an entity (e.g., a domain name, email address, or IP address) in your Maltego graph.
  4. In the context menu, select “Run Transform.”
  5. Choose the “loginsoftOSINT” transform from the list (if available).
  6. Click “Run.”

The transform will use your configured settings and API key to query the “loginsoftOSINT” service for data related to the selected entity.

Step 4: Include URLs When Possible

To ensure URLs are included when possible, explore the relationships and data obtained from the “loginsoftOSINT” transform within your Maltego graph. URLs may be associated with various entities, and you can extract and use them as needed.

Step 5: Save and Export

After performing your analysis and enriching your Maltego graph with data from the “loginsoftOSINT” service (including URLs), you can save your graph and export it in various formats for reporting and sharing.

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